Re: huge load average follow up

Tim Ricketts (
Mon, 28 Apr 1997 20:59:04 +0100 (BST)

On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, Andi Gutmans wrote:

> Hi,
> OK this really looks like a kernel bug to me. kernel 2.0.30.
> 26070 ? D 0:00 in.ntalkd
> 1:10 vipe /home/staff/andi# strace -p 26070
> attach: ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, ...): Operation not permitted
> I can't kill this and another 32 in.ntalkd's.
> load average is 32+ with system running fast. no slowdown noticeable
This looks exactly like what happened to me yesterday.
I was experimenting with linux-nfs-0.4.21 and I did
mount -t nfs localhost:/home/ftp/pub ftp
as root, and it hung. The mount process was in the same state as your
in.ntalkd's and I couldn't kill it. Unfortunately init was in the same
state so I had to press reset.

-- Tim
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.