New Project: Linux High Availability

Harald Milz (
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 14:22:32 +0200

I'm starting the Linux High Availability (Linux-HA) project which is
initiated to bring Linux to enterprise computing strength and
reliability by exploiting redundancy and ensuring fast failovers in
case of an outage. Since Linux is today amongst the five most
frequently used operating systems for public web servers, I don't see
why Linux shouldn't have HA features as well.

Linux-HA (which is the initial working title) will be a huge project,
requiring lots of different conceptual and programming skills. In the
commercial marketplace, HA installations tend to be large system
integration projects, and this is what this is also about. Please
note that commercial HA is not a niche product -- especially in the
high end server market, HA is today key to selling Unix solutions. HA
on Windows NT, on the other hand, is just in its infancy compared to

Generally, Linux already has some features which are required by
Linux-HA but a lot still has to be done. This new project should gain
the visibility (and possibly donations from the industry) which is
needed to get the things done that are required.

To provide for the basic concepts, I set up the Linux High
Availability HOWTO which can initially be found on Developers
who are interested in HA concepts (especially subscribers of the
mclinux mailing list which was closed recently) may want to look

There is also a closed mailing list for Linux-HA. "Closed" means that
only subscribers will be allowed to post messages to the list to
prevent most spammers from sending their crap. If you are interested,
send mail to with the string "subscribe" in
the body or subject. The mailing list itself is There
may also be a one-way (i.e. read-only) mail-to-news gateway for the
newsgroup muc.lists.linux-ha.

For those of you who manage to come to the Linux Kongress in Wuerzburg
( there will be a BoF session concerning
the project.