Re: Linux-2.1.34 - the bleeding edge

Woodstock (
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 19:22:46 -0400 (EDT)

On 14 Apr 1997, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> Ha!
> Do you want to be a _real_ man (or woman), and run interesting kernels
> rather than those wimpy 2.0.x things?
> Now you can. What would you pay? 19.95? 14.95? Or even just 9.95? NO!
> You can get a RealMan(tm) or RealWoman(tm) or even a RealThing(tm)

<Gratuitous Advertisment Snipped>

> Where it it, I can hear you ask?,,
> and any other well-stocked ftp site in your
> neighbourhood.
> Linus "v2.1.34 - the _cool_ kernel" Torvalds

Is it me, or has Linus been watching a little _too_ much American TV? ;) - Woody SysAdmin of WoodyNet!
"Bless me Father, for my C program has performed Segmentation Violation"
"A grave sin indeed, my son..." replied the Priest.
"I know... I know... Is there any chance for Salvation??"
The Priest ponders for an Eternity. Then he replies, "An offering of cold
beer and pizza to the Linus _may_ save your pitiful soul, my son. Go now,
or risk perdition of your life!!"