Re: TCP Stall

Theodore Y. Ts'o (tytso@MIT.EDU)
Mon, 31 Mar 1997 20:20:07 -0500

Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 18:18:54 -0500
From: John Jones <>

MEMO TO: All Development Employees
FROM : John Jones, Executive Vice President, Linux Development
RE : Poor attitudes toward customers

Ignoring customers such as this person will NOT be tolerated. Remember:
"Our customers are the reason we are here". Developers who continue to
ignore clients such as this one risk reduced bonuses, suspension of
development privileges and, in extreme cases, termination.

Nice hack... however....

(1) "Customers" is of at best dubious meaning, because kernel developers
aren't getting paid by the people who send mail to linux-kernel. Those
of us who wish to see Linux succeed try to do the best that we can, but
keep in mind that the traditional definition of "customer" has as an
integral component someone who pays money for services (or product)

(2) This person *wasn't* ignored. Sending out such an officious memo to
your employees on the basis of a customer complaint, without even
investigating whether or not it is true, represents very bad management

Flames to /dev/null, please.

- Ted