2.1.30: "Tx request while isr active." lockup

Bob Tracy - TDS (rct@tracy-tds.wlk.com)
Mon, 31 Mar 1997 07:58:24 -0600 (CST)

2.1.30 is unusable in a networked environment. Don't know what's
actually causing the subject error, but almost any interactive
network traffic (telnet, ssh, etc.) seems to be particularly adept
at triggering it. The message scrolls as rapidly as the console
can print it in an infinite loop until the reset switch gets hit.

Back to 2.1.29 or 2.0.pre-30 until I can figure out what's going
on here.

Bob Tracy		| "He who laughs last thinks slowest!
AFIWC/AFCERT		|	-- Anonymous
rct@merkin.csap.af.mil	|