Re: SCSI Host ordering...

Juergen Sauer (
28 Mar 1997 11:44:35 GMT

I did manage it so:
I configured the linux kernel so, that the controller for sda is
compiled in the kernel.
All other SCSI and needed devices are build as module and are loading
dynamically at systemboot time, i.e. in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit.

This makes me possible to shutdown the 2nd, 3rd or 4th controller to
swap out devices and reload/change the scsi devices during production
state. (tape drive needed? additional cd drive? scanner ?, additional
disk drives? it's no problem anymore)


Jürgen Sauer Tel. +49 4209-3021
Neue Str. 11 +49 172-4254411
28790 Schwanewede/Germany FAX +49 4209 5217 CI$: 100013,1564

David Gray <> schrieb
am Wed, 26 Mar 1997 16:36:40 +0800 in
DG> Hi,

DG> I have a system with two Symbios SCSI controllers in it, a 810a and a
DG> 875 ultra fast wide controller.

DG> The system disk hangs off the 875 and the 810 has a couple of slower
DG> external shoeboxes on it.

DG> The system is configured so that it expects to find the root filesystem
DG> + swap spaces on /dev/sda.

DG> The PC's BIOS allows me to specify a 'boot order' for the two SCSI cards
DG> and I have it set to scan the 875 before the 810 so it boots off the
DG> fast wide system disk.

DG> However, as soon as Linux comes up, the ncr53c8xx driver orders the two
DG> adaptors with the 810 as host-0 and the 875 as host-1. As soon as I
DG> attach any disks to the 810, they get assigned as /dev/sda, sdb etc, the
DG> system disk gets /dev/sdc, Linux can't find it's root filesystem and the
DG> system won't boot.

DG> Is there anything that I can do to change the ordering of the host
DG> adaptors? I am using the 1.18c drivers on a 2.0.29 kernel.

DG> I couldn't see anything in the documentation, but I would happy to be
DG> corrected if I missed it! :-)