Did list traffic stop ?

James L. McGill (fishbowl@fotd.netcomi.com)
Wed, 26 Mar 1997 16:25:11 -0600 (CST)

I haven't received a message on linux-kernel since 10:18 this morning.

Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.93.970326031304.1025A-100000@hagan.reno.nv.us>
Subject: VGA Graphical Display at boot, yadda yadda yadda

James L. McGill | NETCOM Interactive
Programmer / Analyst | Dallas, Texas
<fishbowl@netcom.com> | -=[ http://www.conservatory.com/~fishbowl ]=-
"Don't tell me I'm burning the candle at both ends -- tell me where to
get more wax!!"