re: restore_flags et al

Marc Lehmann (
Mon, 3 Mar 1997 20:58:38 +0100 (MET)

The definition of save_flags and restore_flags currently
is this:

#define save_flags(x) \
__asm__ __volatile__("pushfl ; popl %0":"=g" (x): /* no input */ :"memory")

#define restore_flags(x) \
__asm__ __volatile__("pushl %0 ; popfl": /* no output */ :"g" (x):"memory")

I wonder why we need a "memory" here. can anybody enlighten me?
Getting rid of it would allow gcc to store
the flags in a register instead of in a memory location.

Writing pushf/popf (or general push/pop) macros would
require some (probably small) changes in gcc. gcc currently
neither allows the (correct) "=<" cxontraints, nor actually
uses the information correctly. try:

register int esp asm("esp"); esp-=4;

it will not always work...


for a pentium-optimizing gcc, look at

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---==---(_)__ __ ____ __ Marc Lehmann
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The choice of a GNU generation