Inaky Perez Gonzalez (
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 19:36:03 +0100 (MET)

On Wed, 12 Feb 1997, A.N.Kuznetsov wrote:

>One binary code executes under MSDOS 17% faster(!) than
>under Linux. Why? How to get this loss back? I was dazed&confused.

Did ya try to link it statically? If your program makes lots
of library function calls, dereferencing the pointers may slow
the things down. DOS code is always statical.

-- Linux USB is in development --

Inaky Perez Gonzalez -- PGP pubkey fingerprint - 2:341/5.31 -- 8E 34 3A 62 64 99 E2 44 - -- AD 7B 30 D9 DD FF 3E 4C -
The loneliness of the long distance runner .....