Re: SCSI - seagte/fd-850 Questions.
Sun, 24 Nov 1996 17:06:53 GMT

On 23 Nov 1996 19:38:08 -0000, you wrote:

> Well you aren't totally alone - I use a TMC950MER for all my SCSI kit
> (computing on a v. tight budget here:), and I know of a few people who
> still use these cards.
> I suspect that the seagate code is currently unsupported as I sent a mail to
> the original author (Drew Eckhardt), to ask if it would be amended to run
> under v2.1. He replied advising that it wasn't a priority for him, which is
> a view I can understand seeing how old the code is.
> I guess your best bet (and mine) is to switch to an adapter that is more
> likely to be maintained due to more people using it, eg Buslogic or Adaptec.
> Cheers,
> Mike
> --

I still use a TMC850 card for a cdrom drive. I've hacked the code a little
bit so that it works for me with 2.1. Since the only thing I have attached
to the card is the cdrom, all I know about is reading.

If anyone wants to try it, let me know.

If it does something nasty, like eating your thesis, you're on your own.