Re: EIDE more reliable than SCSI?

Systemkennung Linux (
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 03:59:00 +0100 (MET)

> Interesting question. I learned a long time ago -- about 1.2.28
> (a.out) that IDE and SCSI didn't mix well -- particularly with a tape
> drive on the SCSI bus. Is that because tapes can't
> disconnect/reconnect? Can your CD writer? Or is it an INT 13 problem?
> My problem was always on _reads_ from the tape and a hard reset was
> generally the solution. I would _really_ appreciate someone explaining
> how IDE, EIDE and SCSI can or can't work together.
> Is tagged queueing part of the problem? (Free BSD, doesn't support it,
> I think, and I had the same problem with it -- except it trashed the
> disk.)

The DPT maintains large command queues in it's internal memory. I
suppose this might be contraproductive in this case. From my own
experience I know that the driver is very solid otherwise.
