EIDE more reliable than SCSI?

Hubert Mantel (mantel@suse.de)
Mon, 18 Nov 1996 22:32:50 +0100 (MET)


we used the following system for writing CDs:

P100 with 32MB RAM, an EIDE hard drive and a 4x speed Yamaha CD-ROM writer
with 8MB connected to a NCR53C810 SCSI adaptor. The system was very
stable. We could compile a kernel, transfer another iso9660-image over the
100MB net and write a CD at 4x speed without any problems. All

Then the harddisk died and we modified the system. Now it's a P133 with
32MB, and we replaced the disk with a SCSI disk connected to the same NCR
controller to which the writer is connected. Lots of problems when writing
CDs. So we inserted a second SCSI Adapter (DPT) and attached the hard disk
to it. But still we may not "touch" the machine whilst writing a CD. There
is only one device attached to every of the both SCSI adaptors! Besides of
that, the system is absolutely reliable and rock solid even under highest

Why is writing from an EIDE disk to the SCSI writer so much more reliable
than writing from a SCSI disk to the writer? Any hints?

Hubert mantel@suse.de

Oh, almost forgot: Kernel is 2.0.25 of course ;-) Same software on both