Re: WinBond W83C759 chip support?

Sander Alberink (
25 Oct 96 16:16:48 +0100

Hallo Sander Alberink!

Op 25 Oct 96 schreef Onno Geenen in de area NETMAIL
een berichtje dat heel toevallig aan Sander Alberink gericht was
Het berichtje ging over: "Re: WinBond W83C759 chip support?"
Mijn computer reageerde hierop met:

t> So, before I start go hacking the piss out of the DOS driver, I just
t> wanted to see if anyone has any leads or is working on such a thing
t> already?

Well, I have the same chip on my motherboard, and indeed the performance
sucks bigtime. I can get no more than 2.5 mb/s out of my Quantum Fireball,
which theoretically can deliver more than 16 mb/s.

t> The performance of the 'stock' settings if pretty, um, bad. PIO Mode 4
t> hard drive getting 1MB/sec is crappy. It FLIES under DOS or WinLude
t> 95.

To be honest: I've never really tried this drivers. I use Linux about all
the time...


Member of Linux-95!
Parttime member of SlagKing...

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You climb to reach the summit, but once there, discover that all roads
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