Extending task_struct with a task_queue ?

Jochen Karrer (karrer@wpfd25.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de)
Fri, 18 Oct 1996 09:47:04 +0200 (MET DST)

The following problem is similar to switching the FPU context:
I'm using a framegrabber, which provides 8 Lookup-Tables.
Every Task which uses the grabber can have a private LUT.
So its necessary to switch the LUT on Task Switches if the
next task uses a different LUT.
What about adding a task_queue to the task-struct which
is executed before switch_to(task_xy); ?
Any comments, or suggestions how to do this without
changes in Kernel ?

The reason I wan't to do this is the low speed of the new
put_user(). (I have to copy every second Byte of a memory area to
the user-space, because I need only the upper 8 Bits of 16 Bit Values )
2.0.22 I did everything in Kernel mode, but If LUT'S would be
switched automatically I could do everything from user-space.



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