Re: /dev/tty1 strangeness
Tue, 23 Jul 1996 23:22:22 -0400

Form my original post:
# After logging onto tty1 as user or root, that terminal starts loosing

Thanks to Steven S. Dick ( who replied:
> Is it possible you have two processes on tty1 both trying to read?

At first I thought this was impossible, but remembered that the top process
I created
in inittab:

c9:23:wait:/usr/bin/top >>/dev/tty9

This process started acting strange since upgrading to procps-1.01. With
I was able to use keyboard commands from tty9 to control the output of top,
with v.1.01 keystrokes from tty9 were ignored. I now remember that top
showed a prompt when I switched from tty1 to tty9, waiting for input (but
all input from tty9).

I now think that top was reading stdin from tty1, disregarding the
redirection to tty9.

My tty1 is fine when I kill top in tty9 (I have commented that line out in

Is this a bug in procps-1.01, or is there another way to redirect top to an
unused tty?

Darrell A. Escola
Clovis, California USA