Re: Driver optimization.

Mark E. Levitt (
Sun, 30 Jun 1996 22:49:15 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 30 Jun 1996, Khan M. Klatt wrote:

> On a similar note, I was speaking to a friend who is fairly familiar with
> NT. He states that you can install NT 3.5/4.0 on computer A, a 586, and
> also on computer B, a DEC alpha, and also computer C, a PowerPC RS/6000.
> Then you can go to a store and buy Word or Office for NT, and install the
> same software on computer A and on computer B and on computer C.

Not familiar enough apparently...

Only becuase the Office for NT CD contains a set of binaries
for each architecture. i.e., \word.nt\i386 and word.nt\alpha, etc...


Mark E. Levitt
Department of Speech Communication, Syracuse University
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