Re: real kernel bloat

Paul Hatchman (
Thu, 27 Jun 1996 15:16:15 +1000 (EST)

> (David S. Miller) writes:
> >Meanwhile I can bring Solaris2.x down in under 30 seconds flat on any
> >sun4c/sun4m out there with very little effort....
> [...]
> >
> ... wonder if there is any coincidence... ;-)
If the implication was that this was an SGI employee taking a dig at a
competitor's OS, then you obviously don't know of David.

He did most of the work in making Linux run on sparcs and is currently working
at SGI to get linux up and running on their machines (with alot of success).

- Paul

Paul Hatchman, | <this line intentionally left blank>
Project Leader, |
Sydney Futures Exchange, Australia | Tel: +61 2 2560567