Re: SCSI device numbering (was: Re: Ideas for v2.1

Andrew E. Mileski (
Tue, 25 Jun 1996 01:50:42 -0400 (EDT)

> Come to think of it, most of this could probably already be done in
> userspace, by dynamically creating devices at boot time. All that
> needs to be done is writing a small program that scans /proc/scsi,
> reads a configuration file and then creates new devices in /dev.

Starting to sound like yet another version of /dev being completely
dynamic. If I recall, there was some pressure to avoid this.
I have no idea why (but what do I know...).

> This looks so simple, I am sure I have probably missed some obvious
> problem ;-/

Luckily I've not heard of anyone using Linux aboard the space shuttle :-)
(Imagine: Houston, we have a problem - our lp is on fire... )

Andrew E. Mileski      My home page
Linux Plug-and-Play Project Leader. See URL

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