Re: Update for "keeping the most important linux packages update..."

Brad Littlejohn (
Sat, 13 Apr 1996 22:12:08 -0500 (CDT)

> Is this the same dirent bug that broke make at libc-5.2.16(ish)+, or a
> totaly new one ?
> Do people with new distributions (RedHat 3.0.3, I'm not sure if slackware
> has a new release), and people aready on libc-5.2.18 (as I am), who fixed
> make once, need to fix again (ie it's a new problem), or have we done it
> already (ie it's the same problem) ?

It should be the same problem. Slackware 3.0 was using libc-5.0.9, so
that one and any previous versions of Slackware will be affected. This may
also affect RedHat 2.0 or 2.1 (I can't verify that, so if someone else knows
if that's true, then if they'd be so kind to post, we'd appreciate it). RedHat
3.0.3, or the new Caldera shouldn't be affected by the make problem. I have no
idea about SLS (I believe that's right!) or Debian either.

I suggested this, because I still see some people who still have all
a.out machines, and are using libc-4.7.26 or lower. so if they plan on
upgrading to the newer kernels, They would know the reasons why make broke,
and we wouldn't hear much on "How come make won't run after I upgraded my C
library" etc..

BTW.. After going though the changes file in 1.3.87, I saw that they
included the patch(es) to make inside there, but in 1.3.88, he's listed the
site to get the procompiled binary which is cool. But to let others know who
might be weary of using precompiled binaries, the source exists, and it's in
the same directory as the binary is on SunSITE.

