prepatch 87 report

Jauder Ho (
Thu, 11 Apr 1996 06:30:39 -0400 (EDT)

The prepatch 87 for ppp seems to speed things up for solaris....
it is still kinda slow but better. Acutally. I just noticed that it
speeds up for a little bit and then slows down. what I type slows up as I
type then it does the block thing again for a little bit. I think
something needs a little tweaking here. I do more testing as to how fast
the connection is ....

My rough tests show the times for a 100k file with just passwd fields in them
The machines specified are target machines.

sending receiving
SunOS 4.1.4 5.76k/s 3.70k/s
Solaris 2.4 5.69k/s 3.46k/s
Linux 1.3.84 5.69k/s 3.28k/s

This is using ncftp.

So performance is up but surprisingly Linux-Linux does not work better
than Linux-SunOS... but then again bandwidth might be the reason. The
SunOS and Solaris boxes are closer and on fiber whereas the Linux goes
over 128k ISDN.
