1.3.86: double lock on device queue! + Socket destroy delayed

Steven L Baur (steve@miranova.com)
11 Apr 1996 01:01:27 -0700

This machine was error free under under both 1.3.84 and 1.3.85. The
triggering event appeared to be performing a sequence of NFS mounts
(half of the machines NFS mounts are done by default at boot; the
other half are performed by a script of the form:
/sbin/mount /filesys1
/sbin/mount /filesys2

It is an i486/33 with 8MB of RAM, 3c509 ethernet card, NFS mounted
/usr, and has no special nondefault network options enabled.

Right after booting into 1.3.86, and immediately starting X Windows it
had a repeated sequence of double lock on socket messages, and was not
rebooted, so this occurred after roughly 6 1/2 hours of uptime.

Apr 10 19:34:38 worf kernel: double lock on device queue!
Apr 10 19:34:38 worf kernel: Socket destroy delayed (r=0 w=268)
Apr 10 19:35:18 worf last message repeated 4 times
Apr 10 19:36:28 worf last message repeated 7 times
Apr 10 19:37:28 worf last message repeated 6 times

The socket destroy is still delayed as I type this.


steve@miranova.com baur
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