Re: sound volume and kerneld

William E. Roadcap (
Tue, 9 Apr 1996 10:54:50 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 9 Apr 1996, B. Galliart wrote:

> I'm running into a problem with using the sound module with kerneld.
> Every time the modules is reloaded by kerneld it re-initalizes the volume.
> .......
> Is there some configuration option I missed to set TASD (the sound
> module) to load without re-setting the volume?
> ........
> I also would be interested in hearing if anyone has come up with any sort
> of work around (regardless of how hokie it might be).

This is an example line you can place in /etc/conf.modules. It is a work
around only, and still causes the mixer to be reset to the values you
specify. The problem being, that if you have set your mixer to values
other than those in conf.modules, they will still be reset.

options sound ; { mixer vol 90 ; mixer pcm 90 ;} >/dev/null 2>&1

There may be another work around, but I'm not sure. At some point
recently there was a patch to the kernel code of kerneld which would allow
modules to remember settings between loads. I don't know how this works,
but it's a clue to go explore. If you figure out anything more, will
you please share it with me.

William E. Roadcap mailto://
TITUS Software
Waynesboro, Va (USA)