Re: ARP: arp called for own IP address

really (
9 Apr 1996 17:54:00 +0400

Alan Cox (alan@cymru.NET) wrote:
: > Perhaps checking for own ip address should be done before routing is
: > performed, Alan?

: Probably. I think I'll avoid fiddling with that until post 2.0 just in case

Moreover, RFC1812 teaches us to check for directly attached
interfaces BEFORE route table lookup. (One consequence of this requirement
is that kernel should correctly route packets even if no routing
tables created!) We might follow this recommendation,
but it is so ugly... When remaking routing code I decided
that this recommendation was artifact of before-CIDR epoch and
ignored it (RFC1812 is just draft, anyway).

Now all the scheme is nice and simple, routing tables are
the only source of routing information. If someone forget to create
route table entry for his own address, it is his fault.

Alexey Kuznetsov.