Re: marching PS/2 mouse

Dale Scheetz (
Tue, 9 Apr 1996 08:00:43 -0500 (EST)

I have seen this problem on DOS machines. In some cases it was just a bad
mouse (replacement with the same model solved the problem). In other
cases, I have noticed that when the mouse creeps, a very slight wiggle of
the mouse will stop the behavior. I suspect this effect to be caused by
the comb wheel in the mouse stopping on an edge, where it just barely
(but not always) triggers a signal. These spurious signals drive the
mouse pointer in a particular direction.
My impression is that, cheap or expensive, mice have limited life
expectancy. One of the ways I have gotten more life from mice is to not
use the standard mouse pad. The pad collects and spreads the oils from
your hand. This oil, when mixed with dust creates the black sludge you
find on the rollers of older mice. My solution (besides alcohol and a
Q-tip) is to use plain old typing paper as a mouse pad. The paper
absorbs the oils off of the ball and keeps the rollers clean much longer.
As this is cheap, the paper gets changed regularly, and mice last twice
as long.



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aka Dale Scheetz Phone: 1 (904) 877-0257
Flexible Software Fax: NONE
Black Creek Critters e-mail:

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