Re: 1.3.85 and SLIP/PPP Slow (still)

Ole Gjerde (
Tue, 9 Apr 1996 01:46:48 -0500 (CDT)

On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, Mark E. Levitt wrote:

> Unfortunatly, 1.3.85 has not entirely fixed the problem. It seems a
> bit better, but not completely.
> Interactive response to a solaris host is still pretty bad.

I have major problems with 1.3.85.
CSLIP won't work at all.. It dials up fine, but there is no response
outside my computer. route wont display anything, but just sits there.
And I know I'm doing this right, since I've been using the same script
for dip for quite a while.
SLIP works, but the interactive response is pretty bad (To Solaris, but
it was fine to a Next machine).
PPP does the same thing as CSLIP, nothing.

I used 1.3.68 up 'til this point, and there SLIP worked great, but CLSIP
had about 50/50 with RX-OK and RX-OVR. TX-OK and TX-OVR was probably
about 75/25 or so. I never tried PPP on this one.

Ole Gjerde
Studying Computer Science at North Dakota State University
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