Re: Moving Linux

Savochkin Andrey Vladimirovich (
Sun, 24 Mar 1996 20:37:45 +0300 (MSK)

> I'd like to move my existing linux system to another partition -- I've got a
> disk going bad.
> I've done "cp -rpPd" on all directoried except /proc, /dev, and /home/ftp/dev
> What should I do for these directories? No "cp" options seem feasable.

For similar purposes I use tar.
It seems you should run tar to create archive from /
and extract on destination file system with preserving

/proc should be skipped.
dev entryes will be created by tar correctly.

You may say from / being root as following:

tar cf - . --exclude proc --exclude mnt | tar xpf - -C mnt

where mnt is a directory on which your new drive is mounted.

Andrey V.