X and 1.3.77

Jon Charette (egotrip@tiac.net)
Fri, 22 Mar 1996 01:10:38 -0500

Sorry, I'm sure this is the wrong place to post this, but I am wondering why
X refuses to start with the new kernels ( 1.3.60+ ). I am using the S3
accelerated server, trying to start it in 8 bit mode. It seems xinit goes
ok until the video mode switches and bang.. just an empty screen and a
crash. If this is just an update problem, well.. I'll get the source, but
if I need to to anything else, could someone let me know what to do?

\ Jon Charette (egotrip@tiac.net) "The world is a vampire..." \
\ Second Nature, INC. - Smashing Pumpkins \
\ \
\ Note: any opinions expressed do not reflect any of my employer. \