modules_install bugglet

Chris Johnsen (
Wed, 13 Mar 1996 00:00:36 -0600

Maybe its just my local config for ls, but this has small
problem has been bugging me ever since I started using
modules. Despite being sent to a file, my ls still formats
in multi column mode (contary to the manpage and the way its
_supposed_ to work). This causes ALL modules to be installed
in /lib/modules/<version>/misc :-(. Here is a (very) small
patch to the main kernel Makefile to fix it. The patch
is against the Makefile from 1.3.72.

--- Makefile.orig Tue Mar 5 04:44:00 1996
+++ Makefile Tue Mar 12 16:16:22 1996
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
if [ -f FS_MODULES ]; then inst_mod FS_MODULES fs; fi; \
if [ -f CDROM_MODULES ]; then inst_mod CDROM_MODULES cdrom; fi; \
- ls *.o > .allmods; \
+ ls -1 *.o > .allmods; \
echo $$MODULES | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | comm -23 .allmods - > .misc; \
if [ -s .misc ]; then inst_mod .misc misc; fi; \
rm -f .misc .allmods; \

-- Chris