iBCS Symbol problem?

Derrik Pates (dpates@cavern.nmsu.edu)
Sat, 9 Mar 1996 06:51:36 -0700 (MST)

I got the hacked INSMOD, but I am still unable to use the iBCS module. It
always fails with the message "create_tables undefined", and I can't
fugire out where it _is_ defined. I looked at the source, and found that
it's called in all the binary format recognizers _except_ ELF. I can
understand this- Linux has pretty much gone to ELF binary format, so it's
now native. But, does anyone know what to do with the dumb thing now? I
don't care about Xenix/286 emulation, if that's what you're thinking. I
just want iBCS to work. Please let me know if there is a soultion to
this. Thanks.

Derrik Pates