iBCS w/1.3.71

Baba Z Buehler (baba@beckman.uiuc.edu)
Tue, 05 Mar 1996 07:42:46 -0600

After rebuilding iBCS for 1.3.71, this is what I get when I try to insmod it:

root@tigger[3]: insmod iBCS
create_tables undefined
Failed to load module! The symbols from kernel 1.3.71 don't match 1.3.71

# Baba Z Buehler - 'Hackito Ergo Sum'
# Beckman Institute Systems Services, Urbana Illinois
#  "Of all my daydreams of disasters,
#   she's the one I think I love . . . " -- Uncle Tupelo
# PGP public key on WWW homepage and key servers (key id: C13D8EE1)
# WWW: http://www.beckman.uiuc.edu/~baba/