term problems (again)...

Clay Hopkins (hopki924@cs.uidaho.edu)
Thu, 29 Feb 1996 10:48:04 -0800 (PST)

Howdy all! I hate to keep bugging the mailing list about these
(probably) bonehead questions, but the newsgroups are too overloaded and
no one is helping from there. I still have the unknown terminal problem,
but I made an error before when I specified the problem. The error
message says "/bin/setterm: No termcap entry for linux". I tried editing
my rc.S file and making an rc.local file to set TERM=vt100, but to no
avail. Any suggestions? Thanks again in advance!



Into the flood again, Same old trip it was back then
So I made a big mistake, Try to see it once my way.
--from "Would?", written by Alice in Chains

Check out my Web page! http://www.cs.uidaho.edu/~hopki924/
