Re: 1.3.69 oopses

Thomas =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=F6nig?= (
Tue, 27 Feb 1996 21:03:23 +0100 (MET)

I wrote:

>Oops: 0000
>CPU: 0
>EIP: 0010:[<0014e24f>]
>EFLAGS: 00010246
>eax: 20202020 ebx: 00000000 ecx: 00000000 edx: 00000000
>esi: 0114f098 edi: 0000004f ebp: 01142f34 esp: 01142f04
>ds: 0018 es: 0018 fs: 002b gs: 002b ss: 0018
>Process cat (pid: 151, process nr: 28, stackpage=01142000)
>Stack: 0114e000 0014f114 0141f8a0 00000400 0000003a 00000000 0000004f 33323130
> 37363534 42413938 46454443 00000000 303a3034 44303a30 3a30383a 313a3130
> 00000030 00000293 0141f8a0 00001000 001582cd 0114e000 01142f90 00001c00
>Call Trace: [<0014f114>] [<001582cd>] [<0014f114>] [<00123888>] [<0010a849>]
>Code: 0f b6 40 57 39 c1 7d 2e 8a 44 31 18 c0 e8 04 25 ff 00 00 00

Another datapoint: gdb tells me this is in line 1356 of arp.c, which
reads (typed in by hand, because I seem to have lost my serial mouse
at the moment? What's going on?)

for (k=0, j=0; k<HBUFFERLEN-3 && j<entry->dev->addr_len; j++)

Rebooting into some safer kernel :-)

Thomas Koenig,, ig25@dkauni2.bitnet.
The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double
logarithmic diagram.