Clarification ... appletalk <--> TCP

Michael Breuer (
Mon, 26 Feb 1996 00:37:34 -0500

Based on responses to my recent post, I believe my question may not have
been clearly stated.

To restate:

I'm looking for linux software which will allow an appletalk device
connected to the linux machine via an appletalk <--> ethertalk bridge to
access TCP services. The MacOS currently allows selection of localtalk
as a TCP interface. MacOS tunnels TCP over appletalk. Is there any
software on the linux side (or any way to configure netatalk) which
supports this feature?


<Duo>-->localtalk-->(Dayna Etherprint)-->ethertalk-->netatalk.

With this config, I can currently share files and printers. I'd like
to also access TCP services (ftp, www, smtp, nntp, etc.) over this

If any one has any ideas, please let me know

Michael Breuer