One more pre-production issue...

Larry 'Daffy' Daffner (
Sun, 18 Feb 1996 15:21:14 -0600

I have one issue with the current kernels which I have in the past
considered at worst a feature of questionable desirablity, but I feel
should be considered a bug. The default priority for log messages is
KERN_NOTICE, but the minimum and default console loglevel is
KERN_INFO. This means that drivers which print startup messages at
the default priority print these messages every time they are loaded.
I would really like to see this changed before 1.4 or 2.0 are
released. The modules I know this affects are the slip and slhc
modules. The bigger issue, to me, is what should show up on the
console. Personally, I modify the source so that the minimum console
loglevel is 4, then set the console loglevel to 4 right before
starting the init. I personally feel that the default loglevel should
not go to the console, but that's just personal feeling. At the very
least, there should be an easy way to set the console loglevel to
KERN_WARNING, since anything below that doesn't require action. Any
comments on this?


Larry Daffner - Software Engineer | email: |
HP Convex Technology Center | tel: (214)497-4274 / home: (214)380-4382 |
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waste any of mine running around doing exercises." --Neil Armstrong