Re: IDE chipsets

Snow Cat (
Sun, 18 Feb 1996 08:00:16 -0800 (PST)

mark once wrote:
> In message "Identifying IDE chipset", '' writes:
> >
> >I noticed that recent Linux kernels give up an option of including support
> >for different chipsets (like CMD640). I think it would be nice if the kernel
> >printed which chipsets the PC does have at bootup so that next time people
> >can compile support for these chipsets only. What do you think?
> I would like it all to be 100% automatic, but there are practical limitations.
> As it happens, the kernel DOES print out the IDE chipset at boot time,
> IF it recognizes it. This currently works only for the PCI chipsets,
> such as the RZ1000, CMD640 (PCI version), and Intel 430FX Triton.
> The non-PCI chipsets are NOT automatically detected -- the IDE driver does
> not even look for them unless a special parameter is specified at boot time.
> This is mostly because we don't know how to look for those chipsets safely,
> and the manufacturers haven't exactly been forthcoming with the information.

So if I don't get any chipset name at boot, I don't need to compile support
for CMD640, RZ1000 and "Other" chipsets?

     Snow ^oo^ Cat <snowcat@math.CSUFresno.EDU>
      _  ->  <-    aka Oleg Kibirev <oleg@math.CSUFresno.EDU>
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