Re: kernel stack torture

Drew Eckhardt (
Sat, 17 Feb 1996 08:00:13 -0700

In message <>,
> Date: Fri, 16 Feb 1996 14:46:59 -0700
> From: Drew Eckhardt <>
> Therefore, we can probably put the kernel stack in virtual memory,
> and grow it at will; keeping the changes entirely local to the VM
> code. changing anything too much pain.
>One place to watch out is where at boot time the scsi code throws
>on-kernel-stack buffers during the initial scsi bus probe to the
>drivers. I ran into this quickly on the Sparc where I was assuming
>that I could do the usual "foo_scsi_buffer - PAGE_OFFSET = physpage".

This was due to the kernel memory allocation facilities being unavailble
at boot time when I did the SCSI code. Since Linus changed the initialization
order arround in 1.3.whatever, we should probably be doing GFP_DMA kmalloc()s

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