Identifying IDE chipset

Snow Cat (
Fri, 16 Feb 1996 20:24:26 -0800 (PST)


I noticed that recent Linux kernels give up an option of including support
for different chipsets (like CMD640). I think it would be nice if the kernel
printed which chipsets the PC does have at bootup so that next time people
can compile support for these chipsets only. What do you think?

     Snow ^oo^ Cat <snowcat@math.CSUFresno.EDU>
      _  ->  <-    aka Oleg Kibirev <oleg@math.CSUFresno.EDU>
  ___(_)  _ _)_    
 /            _)   finger oleg@math.math.CSUFresno.EDU for PGP public key
       |___/	Purr!