Re: off subject, maybe not.

Louis J. LaBash Jr. (
Fri, 16 Feb 1996 09:49:48 -0600 (CST)


|>I hate to bring this up in this list, and I would appreciate direction
|>to names of other lists on linux, but is there any facility in linux
|>yet to use parallel tape drives? I have a Colorado 250 sitting here on
|>my desk, plugged into my linux box, collecting dust...

|From Fri Feb 9 15:25:44 1996
|Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 15:16:00 -0500
|From: "mark (m.s.) lord" <>
|Message-ID: <"19815 Fri Feb 9 15:16:53 1996">
|Subject: re:IDE tape support?
|In message "IDE tape support?", you write:
|>Is anyone working on IDE-tape support, the Conner drive?
|Gadi Oxman has provided a working IDE-tape driver in linux 1.3.xx.
|Give it a try, and let Gadi know what happens.
|The current kernel is 1.3.61 (a pretty good one).


Louis-ljl-{ |}