TCP layer bugs

Colten Edwards (
Thu, 15 Feb 1996 19:05:20 -0600 (CST)

Just tried the .64 patch and I'm still having problems with networking. I
use a slip link to connect to the internet... With .64 and friends
outgoing connections do not succeed. I get the connection established
message on a out-going telnet and then nothing. I can telnet to localhost
now though. I have a local irc server setup and it fails on connect as
well, but it does leave some crap laying around to look at.. this is from
a netstat -after- I've shutdown the server and it's been shutdown for
awhile.. Thought sockets were supposed to time out after a certain period
of time??

Active Internet connections
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (State)
tcp 0 7 panasync.canuck.c:1125 panasync.canuck.c:6666 LAST_ACK
tcp 0 76 panasync.canuck.c:1111 panasync.canuck.c:6666 LAST_ACK
tcp 0 55 panasync.canuck.c:1040 LAST_ACK
tcp 0 0 panasync.canuck.c:1040 FIN_WAIT2
tcp 0 0 panasync.canuck.c:6666 panasync.canuck.c:1111 FIN_WAIT2
tcp 0 0 panasync.canuck.c:6666 panasync.canuck.c:1125 FIN_WAIT2

my irc server is on port 6666 and I also have one setup on 6667.. So i
guess i go back to .60 for another patch level as I don't have any
trouble with the networking at .60 On a maybe unrelated note ftp to
localhost succeeds but only with a anonymous connection. If I try with a
non-anon account it fails. I do use shadow and the last time I tried this
it worked. But i have upgraded my shadow suite to latest marek release so
this may be part of the trouble with shadow.

so in summary
telnet localhost works
telnet out on slip link fails.
anon ftp localhost works
non-anon ftp localhost fails.
I use the dummy device to give me a ip address

I have compiled 2.0 beta of ipfwadm. I have also re-compiled the irc server
and client under the new version of the kernel, to make sure the right
includes were used in compiling. (just to make sure).

Colten Edwards