Re: Linux-1.3.60

Andrew Tristan (
Tue, 13 Feb 1996 11:24:11 -0800 (PST)

Stephen Lee writes:
> On Feb 13, 4:18am, Ville Steudle wrote:
> >
> > Hi Linux developers,
> >
> > I noticed the following problem with newer kernels, at least with 1.3.45
> > and .57:
> >
> > Every now and then (maybe 1 out of 10) when I'd like to shutdown my
> > system via ctrl-alt-del or /sbin/shutdown, I just get the first "sending
> > all processes the TERM signal", then _no_ output from the daemons being
> > shut down and - bingo! The system hangs.
> I have this problem too, with sysvinit-2.58-2 and kernel 1.3.4x onwards,
> 1.3.57 now (don't remember if I had it earlier). I've had it since
> upgrading from sysvinit-2.50. I found that if you shutdown from command
> line, or has another process do it (like via the jsr daemon), it is less
> likely to hang. (It doesn't lock up, actually, it is just in a state
> where all gettys are killed and no way to switch runlevel).
> Stephen

I've noticed a similar problem, with the same frequency, which I didn't
notice prior to 1.3.5x. When I use halt to shut the system down, I get
something like "Unable to determine runlevel." This despite the fact
that runlevel always returns the correct info. This is with
sysvinit-2.58-1. Did I set something up incorrectly?

Andrew Tristan                       No one shall drive us out of the       paradise that Cantor has created.                            David Hilbert