Re: 1.3.62 and fat/msdos/vfat observations

Shawn Ruttledge (
Tue, 13 Feb 1996 13:09:53 -0700 (MST)

> Nope vfat only adds long file names, and in a way i wished not knowing
> not even NT stores permissions on vfat.
> I don't believe MS will ever consider changing one of their buggiest
> implementation of a file sistem to replace it with something sound.

What about NTFS? If they ever get around to merging NT and Windows 9x
they might ditch FAT-like FS's altogether. Isn't NTFS basically sound?
NT supports HPFS too as I recall.... it could easily enough become the
lowest-common denominator for cross-platform FS's. Seems like there was
a reason NTFS was better for NT than HPFS though, HPFS didn't support
ownership or something like that.

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