kernel 1.3.7 VFS unable to mount root

Rahim Azizarab (
Sat, 18 Nov 1995 11:43:07 -0600 (CST)

I compiled the 3.7 elf kernel. Sometimes I get compile errors with
certain scsi options. But If I get around the compile errors by
specifying the options that the kernel likes the I get VFS is unable to
mount root. Also I have a pci/NCR scsi controller that the generic scsi
boot image for floppy for linux recognizes it fine but mp previous 1.2.13
kernel wouldn't see eventhough I had specified the proper option for scsi
controller in the kernel config when compiling it. Any ideas? why does
the kernel panic when it trys to mount root?


.--. __ .--------- Rahim Azizarab
/ / \( )/ ---- 1925 S. 3rd Ave
//// ' \/ ` --- Maywood, IL 60153
// / / : :-- 708-344-6994
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