Re: Linux not killing processes.

Derek Wildstar (
Mon, 24 Jul 1995 03:03:48 -0700

> >
> > Is there any fix yet for Linux not killing processes when people just
> > hangup, or disconnect without logging out?
> It works for me ... but then, I've never had the problem with processes
> left after someone logs out.
> Be sure to include the words HUPCL in your gettydefs ...
> ie:
> # Format: <speed># <init flags> # <final flags> #<login string>#<next-speed>
> VC# B9600 SANE CLOCAL # B9600 SANE -ISTRIP CLOCAL #@S login: #VC

I've had problems with processes left running when a user is telnetted in
and they either kill their local shell or the link dies somehow, so I do
not beleive the getty is the culprit...

| Derek Wildstar <> | |
+----------------------------------------+ Hukt on |
| University of Washington IRC co-admin | fonix |
|,9998 | werkd |
| <> | fore me! |