1.2.x still locking on my machine

0000-Admi (root@mat.uni.torun.pl)
Mon, 26 Jun 1995 20:36:07 +0200 (MET DST)

Most of 1.2.x are locking pretty fast. 1.2.9 and 10 are somewhat better
- it takes at least few days but it may be because we are not able to
use CDROM (at least on 1.2.9) because mount is locking the system. When
we were still able to use it (1.2.8 and lower) some of the lock-ups
were looking like especially sensitive to one of the CDs. I'm posting
my cries for help sometimes in various groups but probably nobody has
any good idea what can be wrong...

mainboard: Amber i586 90 MHz, PCI
AMIBIOS (c) 1992 American Megatrends, v. 1.00.03.AX1Z
Adaptec AHA 1540CF/1542CF v. 2.01
Cyclades 8-port
BOCA 16-port
NE2000 clone


Rafal Maszkowski rzm@mat.uni.torun.pl     http://www.mat.uni.torun.pl/~rzm
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