Re: [RFC PATCH 0/2] Introduce per-task io utilization boost

From: Bart Van Assche
Date: Mon Mar 04 2024 - 19:20:21 EST

On 3/4/24 12:16, Christian Loehle wrote:
Pixel 6 ufs Android 14 (7 runs for because device showed some variance)
[6605, 6622, 6633, 6652, 6690, 6697, 6754] sugov mainline
[7141, 7173, 7198, 7220, 7280, 7427, 7452] per-task tracking
[2390, 2392, 2406, 2437, 2464, 2487, 2813] sugov no iowait boost
[7812, 7837, 7837, 7851, 7900, 7959, 7980] performance governor

Variance of performance results for Pixel devices can be reduced greatly
by disabling devfreq scaling, e.g. as follows (this may cause thermal
issues if the system load is high enough):

for d in $(adb shell echo /sys/class/devfreq/*); do
adb shell "cat $d/available_frequencies |
tr ' ' '\n' |
sort -n |
case $devfreq in
min) head -n1;;
max) tail -n1;;
esac > $d/min_freq"

Showcasing some different IO scenarios, again all random read,
median out of 5 runs, all on rk3399 with NVMe.
e.g. io_uring6x4 means 6 threads with 4 iodepth each, results can be
obtained using:
fio --minimal --time_based --name=test --filename=/dev/nvme0n1 --runtime=30 --rw=randread --bs=4k --ioengine=io_uring --iodepth=4 --numjobs=6 --group_reporting | cut -d \; -f 8

So buffered I/O was used during this test? Shouldn't direct I/O be used
for this kind of tests (--buffered=0)? Additionally, which I/O scheduler
was configured? I recommend --ioscheduler=none for this kind of tests.

- Higher cap is not always beneficial, we might place the task away
from the CPU where the interrupt handler is running, making it run
on an unboosted CPU which may have a bigger impact than the difference
between the CPU's capacity the task moved to. (Of course the boost will
then be reverted again, but a ping-pong every interval is possible).

In the above I see "the interrupt handler". Does this mean that the NVMe
controller in the test setup only supports one completion interrupt for
all completion queues instead of one completion interrupt per completion
queue? There are already Android phones and developer boards available
that support the latter, namely the boards equipped with a UFSHCI 4.0 controller.

