Re: [PATCH v2] regmap: kunit: Ensure that changed bytes are actually different

From: Guenter Roeck
Date: Fri Feb 09 2024 - 18:20:52 EST

On 2/9/24 14:39, Mark Brown wrote:
On Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 02:07:38PM -0800, Guenter Roeck wrote:

This is actually worse than v1 because hw_buf[6] isn't used anywhere.
Making sure that the values in the val[] array don't match the values
in hw_buf[6..7] doesn't add any value.

Yeah, I realised after reading your earlier mail. It's passing for me

It is passing because the probability for it to fail is really low.
It only fails reliably with the cheat below.

FWIW, I had struggled with the re-use of val[0] for two different tests
(on hw_buf[2] and hw_buf[4]) myself. The only solution other than making sure
that it neither matches hw_buf[2] nor hw_buf[4] I came up with was to use a
separate variable for the accesses to hw_buf[4] (or hw_buf[6] in the old code).
Indeed, it was fine with the old code due to not caring about having
different values but we need to generate three values now.

get_changed_bytes(&hw_buf[6], &val[0], sizeof(val));
+ // Let's cheat.
+ // Remember, the above code doesn't look into hw_buf[2..5],
+ // so anything might be in there, including the values from
+ // the val[] array.
+ hw_buf[2] = val[0];
+ hw_buf[3] = val[1];
+ hw_buf[4] = val[0];
+ hw_buf[5] = val[1];

I don't understand how this interacts with the pre-sync check?

That is because the test expects the memory in hw_buf[] and val[] to be
different (because hw_buf[] wasn't updated to the new values). The above
cheat forces hw_buf[2,3] and val[0,1] to be the same, so the pre-sync test
fails. The post-sync test passes because the values are expected to be
the same at that time.
