Re: [PATCH v2 1/4] arm64: dts: qcom: Fix hs_phy_irq for QUSB2 targets

From: Krishna Kurapati PSSNV
Date: Sat Jan 27 2024 - 02:43:40 EST

v1.4.0? I am sorry, but what?

Isn't that like 10 years old? What systems are you using there? I am
asking, because maybe we should be rejecting DTS patches assuming they
were never tested (testing on ancient dtc counts like no testing).

When I moved to 1.5.0, I did see these warnings. Fixed them up and sent v3.

Nope, you just moved from 10 years old to 5 years old.

Fix your systems and use the recent one. v1.6.1

Hi Krzysztof,

It was an old pc I was using this time and it was using local /usr/bin/dtc for some reason. I got the latest version working:

kriskura@hu-kriskura-hyd:/local/mnt/workspace/krishna/skales_dt_cleanup/skales/kernel$ dtc -v
Version: DTC 1.6.1-gabbd523b

And with this version, I don't see any errors in the v3 pushed.
