disassemblers (was Re: [PATCH 1/2] x86: Remove dynamic NOP selection)

From: Thorsten Glaser
Date: Sat Jan 20 2024 - 13:23:00 EST

Dixi quod…

>>Is there some sane tool that just does the sane thing and shows this as
>The only other disassemblers I know don’t know about ELF objects
>at all, I’m sorry to say.

I have searched through my bookmarks and found “Agner Fog’s objconv”
https://www.agner.org/optimize/#objconv which I had not yet tried as
it comes with a .exe but apparently, the included GPL source builds
on GNU/Linux (and BSD and MacOSX) as well.

Usage is: ./objconv -fgasm filename.o

This will write filename.asm ⚠ into the same directory as the .o file,

It works for i386 and amd64 but not x32 (aka amd64ilp32) which is
mis-disassembled as if it were i386. Sample output fragment:

sub rsp, 8 # 00E3 _ 48: 83. EC, 08
lea rdi, [.LC7+rip] # 00E7 _ 48: 8D. 3D, 00000000(rel)
call puts@PLT # 00EE _ E8, 00000000(PLT r)
add rsp, 8 # 00F3 _ 48: 83. C4, 08
ret # 00F7 _ C3

Bit irritating is it uses decimal numbers…

sub rsp, 232 # 0102 _ 48: 81. EC, 000000E8

… and the way the input is separated with colon, period and comma,
but it’s legible enough.

Credits to Peter Cordes for the discovery.

When he found out that the m68k port was in a pretty bad shape, he did
not, like many before him, shrug and move on; instead, he took it upon
himself to start compiling things, just so he could compile his shell.
How's that for dedication. -- Wouter, about my Debian/m68k revival