Re: Why does Linux not implement pthread_suspend() and pthread_resume()?

From: Bagas Sanjaya
Date: Sun Jan 14 2024 - 09:10:47 EST

[also Cc: linux-pm people]

On Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 12:20:04PM +0100, Dr. Henning Kopp wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a question regarding pthreads. In particular, I was wondering why
> there is no way to suspend and resume a thread in Linux.
> In Windows, there is SuspendThread() and ResumeThread() from
> processthreadsapi.h. However in Linux, there does not seem to be a similar
> function in pthread.h.
> When researching this issue i found multiple ways to work around the
> inability of suspending a thread, such as using mutexes. But my question is
> why nobody bothered implementing suspending/resuming threads.
> I found one answer on stackoverflow [1] that mentions that pthread_suspend
> and pthread_resume_np is in the "Unix specification", but not implemented in
> Linux. I tried to follow up on this hint and get access to the Posix spec,
> but i am not affiliated with a university anymore, so i was unable to
> download the spec.
> I read "man 7 pthreads". It mentions that there are two Linux
> implementations of Posix threads, that differ in some details from the Posix
> spec. However, it does not mention suspending or resuming threads at all.

LinuxThreads and NPTL?

> I hope this is the right mailing list for my question. If it is off-topic,
> please accept my apologies.
> So my question is: What is the reason that Linux does not implement
> functions for suspending and resuming threads?


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