Re: Shut the fuck up GPL user

From: chaosesqueteam@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun Dec 31 2023 - 13:28:36 EST

>someone1611 >someone1611 - 5 days ago
>No one is gonna help GPL.
OpenBSD uses GPL'd code in it's kernel, just stripped out the GPL: because that code was a derivative work of an earlier work OpenBSD authored.
(and the change was perhaps deminimus, or the only way one could add the new feature or fix)
Things aren't as "simple" as you white programmers believe.
>Don't post to mailing list.
I won't obey you. Don't like it: meet me in real life: I will fucking kill you dead and gone: or die trying.
You think you're the boss of me faggot white FUCK?

>Can you kindly shut your fck up and stop spreading that virus to mailing list?
No. It's a game, and if you hadn't noticed from Grsecurity: the GPL is basically BSD now-a-days.
Did anyone sue OpenSourceSecurity: no.

So your "ideas" are outdated. GPL is a dog with no teeth.
But it's still opensource.

>Stop spreading virus.
What fucking virus? if the GPL was effective GRsecurity would be sued.
It is not. You're worrying for nothing. Completely outdated information.
You think any white faggot is going to sue someone over the GPL? They never have. They won't even approach a girl, and they worship adult women as a god. They follow a demi-god who tells them to cut their dick-and-balls off (matthew 19, greek). You worry for nothing.

Anyway: please help this videogame do unreal map loading. License it BSD if you want: we won't change your license: we'll make sure around your code the opensource license you choose is made clear (and that others who contribute will use your license):